Questions & Answers
What is a cash advance, short-term loan or PayDay Loan?
How much can I borrow online?
Will I be approved for a PayDay loan?
What do I need to qualify for PayDay Loans?
- A personal bank account, taken out in your own name, active for at least of 3 months
- A contactable e-mail address that you have daily access to
- A permanent job, where you earn a monthly or weekly salary – NOT fortnightly
- Earning a monthly salary of at least R4 000
- At least 18 (eighteen) years of age
- A South African Citizen
- No judgments or defaults
Employees from these mining industries qualify:
- Iron ore
- Chrome
- Ferrochrome
- Manganese
- Coal
Who can't take out PayDay Loans?
- Security
- Cleaning
- Trusts, administration & debt review
- Body corporates
- Foreign embassies
- Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs)
- Doctors
If you / you’re:
- Unemployed
- Only income is your pension
- Self-employed or on a contract
- Only earn commission (no basic salary)
- Not a South African Citizen
- Under debt review or debt administration
How do I get PayDay Loans?
You can apply by filling out the online contact form on our website and submitting it. Once you have done this, one of our financial advisors will give you a free call back to guide you through the rest of the process, within the next 24 hours.
How will I know if my PayDay Loan application was successful?
When do you expect the repayment of the Pay Day Loan?
I have missed a few payments in the past. Will you do a credit check?
I have heard very bad things about loan sharks, are PayDay Loans like this?
So what is a Loan Shark?
How do I apply for PayDay Loans?
Are payday loans for students?
Are payday loans safe?
Are payday loans secured?
Can I apply for a PayDay loan if I don’t have a bank account?
Can I use a relative or friends bank account to receive the money?
When you take out a payday loan, you are responsible for the debt. You cannot take out a loan and shift responsibility for the loan to another party without that person’s permission. However, you can give the money from a payday loan to another person. You are however still responsible for repaying the debt.
Can payday loans be reckless?
Can you get a payday loan without a credit check?
Do PayDay Loans report to credit bureau?
How do PayDay loans affect credit?
How long does it take?
Is there Interest on a PayDay Loan?
What if I need an extension on my Loan?
Who Regulates PayDay Loans?
Who Uses PayDay Loans?
Who uses payday loans? Available to all South African citizens with permanent employment, earning R4000 a month or more, payday loans assist in making ends meet towards the end of the month when money is low and emergency costs spring up.
Why PayDay Loans Are Good?
Will I Be Charged Interest?
Are Pay Day Loans Only Short Term?
At PayDay Loans, all our loans are short term. This is because when financial tough times hit, short term loans are the easiest option to turn to.