SA Consumers Turn to Credit to Stay Afloat

SA Consumers Turn to Credit to Stay Afloat

The high cost of living has sent consumers running into the arms of credit providers. Middle-income groups in South Africa are struggling to afford even the essentials and are slowly approaching the breadline. As the economy deteriorates, middle-class households are...
Your Credit Record Explained

Your Credit Record Explained

Being in the dark when it comes to your credit worthiness is a very bad idea. An identity thief could be taking out credit under your name and not repaying it, wreaking long-term havoc with your record. Next thing you know, you need urgent credit and your applications...
Tips to Stay on Top of Credit Card Debt

Tips to Stay on Top of Credit Card Debt

Your First Credit Card A lot of us tend to overdo it, when we get our first taste of plastic. When you get that first credit card, you convince yourself you’ll only use it for emergencies. Then a long weekend pops up and you’re invited away before payday, so you...
Gear Up for a 0.5% Interest Rate Hike

Gear Up for a 0.5% Interest Rate Hike

Keeping up with the Curve Economists agree that the South African Reserve Bank’s (Sarb’s) monetary policy committee (MPC) is likely to announce a 0.5% interest rate hike on Thursday, 28 January 2015 . This interest rate hike of 50 basis points (bps) is far...
Back to School PayDay Loans

Back to School PayDay Loans

Back to School, Back to Reality For a large chunk of South Africans, aside from the classic hangover that comes from overindulgence, the New Year also brings a big, fat financial headache. After shelling out for presents to put under the tree and decadent feasts to...
Regulator Refers Edcon to Tribunal

Regulator Refers Edcon to Tribunal

Club Fees Not Permitted The National Credit Regulator (NCR) has referred the retailer, Edcon Holdings to the National Consumer Tribunal (NCT) for charging consumers club fees on credit agreements – a practice “…not permitted by the National Credit Act...