Card Fraud

Card Fraud

According to the latest fraud data from the SA Banking Risk Information Centre (Sabric), South Africans have lost almost R4.5 billion to credit and debit card fraud since 2010. Perpetrators use a variety of card fraud methods and keep changing their approach to trick...
Get a pay rise

Get a pay rise

It’s never easy asking for money. Asking your boss for a salary increase is probably on the top half of your list of least favourable things to do – right in between doing your taxes and cleaning the gutters. But salary freezes are now starting to thaw and this might...
Swapping one need for another

Swapping one need for another

A worrying statistic to say the least, the National Credit Regulators have found that there is a large rise in the amount of consumers pawning in their assets, cars in particular, to secure a loan. Putting themselves and their livelihoods at risk, this is allowed but...
Interest Rates in South Africa

Interest Rates in South Africa

Before South Africa’s recent status downgrade, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) indicated that inflation might decrease, moving back into the 3% to 6% target range. Usually, when inflation decreases, SARB decreases interest rates. However, bond yields have...