Cash Loans Online
PayDay Loans offer cash loans online of up to R3000 over the repayment term of your choice, so you only have to pay the money back within 35 days or less.
If you’re looking for a quick financial solution to an unexpected problem, cash loans online are what you need. Whether your car breaks down, you suddenly need to go to the doctor or any other unforeseen cost pops up out of nowhere.
If you are considering taking out a loan, make sure your finances allow for the repayment of it. Only those who are South African with a permanent job, earning R4000+ monthly need apply.
Filling out the online application form is quick and convenient. After which, one of our professional consultants will give you a call – no matter where you live in South Africa. After assessing whether you meet the qualification criteria, we’ll send you an email informing you of your application success.
That same day, the cash will appear in your account! And your instalment will only be collected via a debit order within the repayment term of your choosing.
Find out why PayDay Loans is fast becoming the go-to site for one-stop cash loans online by sending us your application now and a consultant will be in touch shortly.