A cash advance loan in Durban is a small cash loan that can be used for extra costs or emergency expenses that are out of your budget. At PayDay Loans we offer quick and easy cash advance loans in Durban that you can apply for online, and receive on the same day. With repayment occurring within a short period of time, and is accompanied by a higher interest rate to enforce this, this type of loan is typically paid back within a month – in line with receiving your next income.
Our online application process is one of the fastest in the country. All you have to do is submit the application form, and one of our trained consultants will call you back before we deposit the cash into your bank account. To ensure you can afford your monthly instalments, you can select the repayment term of your choice. You can borrow up to R3000 if you have a South African ID, a permanent job, and a monthly income of no less than R4000.
Don’t let cash flow problems get you down. Apply for cash advance loans in Durban today.